Walnut House Hosts WMTS Radio's Acoustic Lineup
Photos and Story by: Darby McCarthy, February 26, 2020
The last Monday of February this year marked the first live music show sponsored by the WMTS radio program. As students, community members, and live concert enthusiasts filed in, the venue came alive with mingling music fans and soon-to-be fast friends.
The event sold merchandise, such as wristbands, to support the program, and sold beers to support the venue.
WMTS, a student-run radio station, organized the event. They set up a merchandise table at the entrance, and counted the incoming attendees. Buying an item was not too steep a consideration, since the entry to the event was free!
Head of Promotions, Tristan Steele, and fellow WMTS Radio Host, Alexis Wall greeted all who entered the venue, and happily processed payments that went toward the benefit of the station.
The venue, a historic site on the square called "Walnut House" hosted the rapt attendants and lively acoustic performers.
"Discvple" was the first artist of the evening. He engaged his audience with slam poetry and entertained with anecdotes in between his pieces. Discvple is also a rap artist, thought he did not rap at this particular event.
After Discvple's set finished came artist Rick West, who spoke about his experiences; those lows and highs that ultimately led him to the music career he is now pursuing. He performed vocally, and accompanied himself on his guitar.
After a few songs, featured artist Chris French and his bandmates announced the debut of their official band name - "Tijuana Bible"
Tijuana Bible closed the show, and each of the band mates enjoyed not only the thrill of the experience, but also the promise of word of mouth going forward.